E.L.V.E.S. 2.0 — Birmingham Children's Theatre See a Show

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2130 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North
United States


E.L.V.E.S. 2.0

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E.L.V.E.S. 2.0

  • Birmingham Children's Theatre 2130 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North Birmingham United States (map)

Great for ages 4 - 12!

You’re invited to a virtual tour of the North Pole! The Green and Red elves are back at it welcoming special kids to the NP for a one-of-its kind event and SURELY nothing could go wrong this time. With new technology, unique experiences, and a resurgence of Christmas Magic, this is one adventure you won’t want to miss!

This live, zoom-centered performance for young audiences is an interactive experience that is equal parts story and activity. Up to 10 kids at a time will embark on a treasure hunt around their own homes to help collect the items needed to save the North Pole!

Earlier Event: November 28
E.L.V.E.S. 2.0
Later Event: December 4
E.L.V.E.S. 2.0