Ticketing And Shows
What is your ticket office phone number? School group number?
(205) 458-8181 general public information | (205) 458-8899 school groups
Where is Birmingham Children's Theatre located?
It is located at the BJCC (Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex) off of I-20/59 in downtown Birmingham. (The 19th Street and 11th avenue corner of the BJCC) BCT is directly next to the BJCC Concert Hall. Please follow the BJCC signs to the Theatre. Physical Address: 1001 19th Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203
Where do I park once we get to the theatre?
The easiest place to park is on 19th Street North in the lot across the street from the BJCC Arena. There are also a few free parking spaces along 19th street, otherwise there is metered parking. If there is an event taking place in another part of the BJCC, you may have to pay $10 to park. Bus parking for school day performances is always free.
What are the ticketing hours?
Birmingham Children's Theatre hours are from 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday- Friday. If there is a Family Performance on Saturday, tickets can be purchased in the lobby, if not previously sold out. If you need additional information on a Saturday, you can call (205) 458-8181. Tickets may be purchased online through our website. TICKETS FOR WEE FOLKS SHOWS SHOULD BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE. Due to the popularity of our Wee Folks series and the high frequency of sold out performances we encourage our patrons to purchase Wee Folks tickets in advance whenever possible.
How many theatres do you have?
Three. We have a 250-seat theatre called the Wee Folks Theatre that is specifically designed for a more intimate, interactive experience. This theatre is generally used by PreK-1st Graders. Our 950 seat Mainstage Theatre features stadium seating and a grand 70-foot proscenium stage. It accommodates 1st grade and up. The Charlotte Lane Dominick Studio Theatre seats 175 and is located in the BCT administrative offices wing of the BJCC. It is used for our Summer Series shows and Tiny Tyke Tales.
What are the times for the Family Performances?
Public Performances are as follows: Wee Folks Theatre - 10 am and 12 noon Mainstage Theatre - 2:30 pm with occassional additional evening performances School Day Performances: Wee Folks Theatre - 9:30 am and 11 am Mainstage Theatre - 10 am and 12:30 pm Please check your reservation or call for confirmation (205) 458-8899 or (205) 458-8181.
How much are single tickets for Family Performances?
Single ticket prices are as follows: Our Wee Folks shows are $10 for children and $17 for adults. Our Mainstage shows range from $10 - $25 depending on seat selection. Children under 18 months do not need a ticket. Groups of 10 or more - Please call the box office at (205) 458-8181 to get this discount. Buy a BCT Membership package and enjoy the savings!
How much are season ticket packages and how many shows does that include?
We have three Season Membership packages that are customizable to family size and age range. They start at just $90 for the Wee Folks season. More information can be found on our Season Membership page.
Can I see a performance on a school day?
Yes. If you would like to bring a preschooler, grandchild, or just simply have the day off with your child, we invite you to join us at the theatre! Please call the box office at 205-458-8181 at least 48 hours in advance to make sure we have seats available.
Can I purchase tickets online?
Yes. Tickets for all shows can be purchased through this website. Look under the Shows and Tickets link in the menu bar.
How is the age appropriateness for each play determined?
BCT has a Play Selection Committee made up of experienced staff members, playwrights, and other theatre professionals. This committee selects plays that are age appropriate, material appropriate, and entertaining for our audiences.
Are your facilities handicapped accessible?
Yes. Both the Wee Folks Theatre and the Mainstage Theatre are wheelchair accessible. We also have handicap bathrooms and changing areas. Please let us know ahead of time if you are bringing a person with special needs, and we can arrange special seating for the hearing impaired, sight impaired, or wheelchair bound. Wheelchair access and handicap parking for BCT is only available on 19th street.
Can we bring a stroller into the theatre?
Birmingham Children's Theatre has areas where we can store your strollers just outside the theatre spaces.
Is there intermission during plays?
No. We keep most of our plays right at an hour so children can sit through the entire performance without being interrupted.
When should we arrive?
The BCT Theatre lobby opens one hour before any performance. Each theatre opens approximately 30 minutes prior to a show.
Do you teach acting lessons to children?
Yes. We have classes and camps throughout the year and a youth performance series. For more information check out the Classes and Camps link in the menu bar.
Do children perform in your plays?
We do not often have youth performers in our regular season but when it is needed we will hold open auditions for these parts. Please go to the Auditions page of the website to find out about casting or to add your child's name to the list if you want us to contact you when roles become available.
Will there be performances at the end of classes/workshops?
At the end of each class and camp session students will do a showcase for parents with material they have been working on during camp.
What happens if I need to cancel a class/workshop? Do I get my money back?
There is a non-refundable deposit with most of our camps, but yes, you can opt out if something unavoidable comes up.
My student has done a lot of theatre; can I enroll him/her in an upper level class?
All classes at Birmingham Children's Theatre are based on age/grade levels for reasons of appropriateness and material. Our instructors are experienced theatre teachers and many have degrees in theatre or dance education. They will be able to put your child in a more advanced role within their age group if necessary.
How much are school performance tickets?
School performance prices are $8 for Wee Folks students and $9 for MainStage students. Adult tickets are $10 (Wee Folks) and $15 MainStage. Schools are given one comlimentary adult ticket for every 10 student tickets they purchase. Additionally, schools booking for the whole season (3 or more shows) receive $1 off their student ticket prices.
How long are your performances?
Wee Folks: 50 minutes or less. Mainstage: 60 - 75 minutes.
Do chaperones/teachers have to pay for their tickets?
It is BCT policy to give one free chaperone ticket for every 10 students per school. Any additional chaperone and teachers are $10 - 15.
Who do I call to schedule a school performance?
Please call BCT as early as possible to schedule a school performance or tour. BCT's shows are in great demand and we want to help your school get the best performance date possible. Please contact Stephen Pierce at 205-458-8181 or Traci Jones at 205-458-8899.
Do you have home-school days?
Yes. One day from each show is designated as home-school day so different groups can come together. Stephen Pierce coordinates home-school days (205) 458-8181.
Do you have sign language interpreters?
Yes. It is BCT's policy to provide a sign language interpreter to any child who needs it. Please contact Traci Jones at least 4 weeks in advance of you visit so we can book an interpreter. 205-458-8899.
Does BCT rent out costumes?
Yes! There is a rental form available under the About Us link in the menu bar. You can also contact the Costume Shop at 205-458-8198. BCT does charge for rentals, and all costumes must be cleaned before being returned. We ask for a deposit check to be left when items are picked up. This ensures we will be reimbursed for any lost or damaged garments. The deposit check will be returned when the costumes are. For specific rental costs, please contact the Costume Shop Manager by calling (205) 458 - 8198 or emailing costumes@bct123.org