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2130 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North
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The Teddy Bears Picnic


The Teddy Bears Picnic

Written by Ernie Nolan

September 14th - 28th
Saturdays at 10:00am

In our Playspace Theatre

Recommended for ages 0 - 5 years old
Approximate Time: 40 minutes

Mama and Buddy Bear invite you to a very special event: the Teddy Bears’ Picnic! When the Special Surprise turns out to be ruined, Mama and Buddy set off on a plan to make all that is wrong right again. Join them in the festivities as they prepare to dine, dance, and make new forest friends. This unique theatrical experience places children ages 0-5 years and their caregivers in an intimate and magical playground where imagination rules and anything goes.

The Teddy Bears Picnic is Birmingham Children’s Theatre’s next installment of Theatre for Very Young Audiences (TVYA), where children ages 0 – 5 are able to explore the world around them through the magic of live theatre. Through repetition, rhyme, song, and a lot of audience interaction, this show invites young kids to not just watch but experience creative storytelling. This show is great for kinesthetic learners who use movement, testing, trial and error in a non-traditional learning to retain and recall information. The space is fully interactive, and the kids have agency in the space to play, learn, and participate in the story at their own pace. 

Please note all show times are Central Standard Time


BCT’s Mask Policy for the 2022-2023 season will follow closely the recommendations set forth by the CDC based on COVID-19 Community Levels. When Jefferson County is at a HIGH level of community spread, masks will be required of all patrons in the Wee Folks Theatre and Playspace as well as for participants in classes; and, masks will be highly encouraged in the MainStage Theatre. We wish to avoid any outbreaks in the organization because a significant portion of our workforce, specifically our onstage artists, work without the benefit of masks. Behind the scenes, we will continue to follow strict protocols to keep our shows on stage and to create a safe work environment for artists and staff.