2024-2025 BCT on Tour — Birmingham Children's Theatre

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2130 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North
United States


2024-2025 BCT on Tour

Now Announcing Tour Options for THE 2024 - 2025 SEason!

BCT is ready to come to your school for indoor and outdoor performances! Each performance is live, interactive, features a small cast and is in line with public health standards from the CDC, WHO, and Alabama Department of Health guidelines.
If you are interested in Virtual Performances, please contact us.

Available Touring Weeks:
Oct 1st - Oct 11th, 2024

For ages 0 - 5 years

Mama and Buddy Bear invite you to a very special event: the Teddy Bears’ Picnic! Join them in the festivities as they prepare to dine, dance, and make new forest friends. This unique theatrical experience places children ages 0-5 years in a magical playground where imagination rules and anything goes.

Available Touring Weeks:
Oct 29th - Nov 1st, 2024
Nov 12th - 22nd, 2024

For ages 4 - 8 years

Step into the enchanting world of “The Three Little Kittens” where Katie Sue, Purr, Tuffy, and Whiskers embark on a delightful adventure! Join our feline friends as they search for their lost items and discover that any problem can be solved with a little bit of thinking. Don’t miss this purr-fectly charming theatrical experience!

Available Touring Weeks:
Feb 18th - 28th, 2025

For ages 0 - 5 years

“The Biggest Little House in the Forest” is an enchanting story brimming with imagination and wonder! Through playful storytelling audiences ages 0-5 will learn valuable lessons about friendship, cooperation, and the importance of embracing differences. Join us for an interactive adventure that celebrates the magic of home, no matter how big or small!

Available Touring Weeks:
Mar 18th - 21st, 2025
Apr 1st - 24th, 2025
Apr 15th - 25th, 2025

For ages 4 - 8 years

Join brave young Jack as he climbs a towering beanstalk, leading him to a fantastical world filled with giants, treasures, and unexpected friendships. With the help of his Fairy Godmother, Jack will discover the importance of courage, kindness, and believing in oneself. Fee, fie, foe, fum, you won’t want to miss this one!

Make Your Tour Reservation by Filling Out the Form below


BCT’s Mask Policy for the 2022-2023 season will follow closely the recommendations set forth by the CDC based on COVID-19 Community Levels. When Jefferson County is at a HIGH level of community spread, masks will be required of all patrons in the Wee Folks Theatre and Playspace as well as for participants in classes; and, masks will be highly encouraged in the MainStage Theatre. We wish to avoid any outbreaks in the organization because a significant portion of our workforce, specifically our onstage artists, work without the benefit of masks. Behind the scenes, we will continue to follow strict protocols to keep our shows on stage and to create a safe work environment for artists and staff.

BCT On Tour - is the outreach division of Birmingham Children’s Theatre, one of the nation’s oldest and largest professional theaters for young audiences. Each year, BCT On Tour brings the magic of theatre to thousands of children and families across Alabama and the Southeast. 

BCT On Tour reaches upwards of 50,000 students each year in approximately 100 cities across the Southeast.  BCT travels anywhere there is an audience seeking the best in theatre for young audiences, from the largest performing arts center to the smallest school.  Each production is of the highest quality, with casts of professional adult actors, study guides for the students and teachers, stunning sets, music, and costumes.  Fill out the form above or e-mail rose@bct123.org and bring BCT On Tour to your town today!

Questions? Check out our helpful FAQ here.


Having difficulty with finding funding, transportation, or just generally have other questions? Here are some resources for you!