Donor Benefits
Donor Benefits
BCT is a non-profit theatre, and your gifts help advance our mission to educate, entertain, and enrich the lives of young people through the magic of professional theatre. Thank you for believing that theatre for multigenerational audiences makes our world a better and brighter place.
Additional benefits listed below. You can also join the Spotlight Circle by committing to recurring monthly payments.
Patron: $25/month; Benefactor: $45/month; Sponsor: $85/month; Associate Producer: $125/month;
Producer: $210/month; Executive Producer: $425/month
Community Circle
Community Circle donors are those who make annual contributions of $50 to $999.
All donors receive recognition on our website!
FRIEND ($50-99) - receive a BCT vinyl sticker!
SUPPORTER ($100-249) - receive a BCT vinyl sticker, 2 tickets to a BCT performance*, and listing in our production playbills
BENEFACTOR ($500-999)
• Complimentary snack packs at all BCT performances
• 2 tickets to An Enchanted Evening fundraising event
• plus benefits from lower sponsor levels
PATRON ($250-499)
• 4 tickets to a BCT regular season performance*
• a complimentary snack pack at the performance
• plus benefits from Supporter sponsor level
*complimentary tickets can be given to a guest if donor already has an All Access Pass
Spotlight Circle donors are those who make annual contributions of $1,000 or more.
Members of BCT’s Spotlight Circle receive insider access and a wide variety of benefits tailored to their interests.
SPONSOR ($1,000-1,499)
• Kick off the season with a unique seasonal gift showcasing BCT’s current season.
• 15% discount on single tickets, class registrations, & special events
• plus benefits from lower sponsor levels
• Reserved priority seating at BCT's MainStage performances
• Includes one class registration for your family or donated to Sponsor a Student
• plus benefits from lower sponsor levels
PRODUCER ($2,500-4,999)
• 40 complimentary tickets gifted to the community group or charity of your choice
• Become a family sponsor of a Wee Folks or Youth Production
• plus benefits from lower sponsor levels
• Private backstage tour of one of BCT's MainStage shows available upon request
• Professional show sponsorship and other recognition opportunities
• plus benefits from lower sponsor levels