Jack and The Beanstalk (Spring break) — Birmingham Children's Theatre See a Show

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2130 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North
United States


Jack and The Beanstalk (Spring break)

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Jack and The Beanstalk (Spring break)

  • Birmingham Children's Theatre 2130 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North Birmingham, AL, 35203 United States (map)

Embark on a magical adventure with "Jack and the Beanstalk" as this beloved fairy tale comes to life on stage for children ages 4- 8 in BCT’s Wee Folks Theatre! Join brave young Jack as he climbs a towering beanstalk, leading him to a fantastical world filled with giants, treasures, and unexpected friendships. With the help of his Fairy Godmother, Jack will discover the importance of courage, kindness, and believing in oneself. Fee, fie, foe, fum, you won't want to miss this one!

WeeFolks Show perfect for children of ages 4-8 years old. In the Wee Folks Theatre pre-K and elementary audiences are introduced to structured theatrical performances. Shows in this space often come from the pages of favorite storybooks and classic fairy tales updated for today’s children. Usually (though not always) musical and/or interactive, audiences in Wee Folks are encouraged to react audibly and help our main characters on their story journey. Audiences sit on carpeted risers in this room created for children to enjoy theatre in a space designed for them. And with our Sensory Room right next door, kids who need a break have an easy place to reset mid-show.

Earlier Event: March 22
Jack and The Beanstalk