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2130 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North
United States


The Wizard of Oz

Events Calendar

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The Wizard of Oz

  • Birmingham Children's Theatre 2130 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North Birmingham, AL, 35203 United States (map)

Experience the timeless magic of "The Wizard of Oz" as it takes center stage! Follow Dorothy and her faithful dog Toto on a whirlwind adventure through the Land of Oz, where they meet unforgettable characters like the Scarecrow, Tin Man, Cowardly Lion, and that Wicked Witch. With catchy tunes, dazzling costumes, and stunning set designs, young audiences will be swept away to a fantastical world filled with wonder and excitement. Along the yellow brick road, they'll learn valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and the power of believing in oneself. You won’t want to miss this spellbinding journey over the rainbow!

Earlier Event: March 26
Jack and The Beanstalk (Spring break)
Later Event: April 19
The Wizard of Oz