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2130 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North
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Anita's Vacation

Anita has been looking forward to her family’s super-awesome mega-fun vacation road trip to the beach all year! But mom has some bad news: the vacation has been cancelled. Anita is so sad, but her brother Jermaine has an idea--he’s going to plan a new super-awesomer even-more-mega-fun family vacation world tour!

Anita’s Vacation

Anita has been looking forward to her family’s super-awesome mega-fun vacation road trip to the beach all year! But mom has some bad news: the vacation has been cancelled. Anita is very sad, but her brother Jermaine has an idea -- he’s going to plan a new super-awesomer even-more-mega-fun family vacation world tour!

BCT is extremely excited to bring you this BRAND NEW digital content as we all continue to stay safe and shelter in place. We hope you enjoyed our puppet show today! In an effort to bring theatre to the homes of children in Birmingham and beyond, Birmingham Children's Theatre will be producing a series of original puppet shows. Each Wednesday at 9am, a 10-15 minute show written, performed, filmed, and edited by the BCT team will premiere on our Facebook page and here, on our website.

Where have YOU always wanted to Go?
Draw three things you could do while you are there.

Write a story about your super-awesome mega-fun vacation.

How can you create a vacation in your living room?

Have a great idea for a story? Email us and perhaps we’ll have a chance to work with YOU on a one-of-a-kind world-premiere puppet show!
If you would like to support the creation of future shows, we hope that you will consider donating below.

"Anita's Vacation"
Written, Scored, and Directed by Alex Ungerman
Performed by Becca Yeager
Puppets by Charity Sellers
Stage and Scenic by Justin Kirkpatrick
Edited by Brooke Dunn