Bailee's Story — Birmingham Children's Theatre

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2130 Richard Arrington Junior Boulevard North
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Bailee's Story

Bailee is the smartest kid in her class. She is also the only Black student. Her teacher, Mr. Connor, never calls on her and Bailee wonders if he even sees her. Not only does Bailee work hard at her lessons, she also has to work hard to be seen. With support from her friends, Bailee stands up for herself and fights for equality in her classroom.

Bailee’s Story

Bailee is the smartest kid in her class. She is also the only Black student. Her teacher, Mr. Connor, never calls on her and Bailee wonders if he even sees her. Not only does Bailee work hard at her lessons, she also has to work hard to be seen. With support from her friends, Bailee stands up for herself and fights for equality in her classroom.

BCT is extremely excited to bring you this BRAND NEW digital content as we all continue to stay safe and shelter in place. We hope you enjoyed our puppet show today! In an effort to bring theatre to the homes of children in Birmingham and beyond, Birmingham Children's Theatre will be producing a series of original puppet shows. On select Wednesdays at 9am, a 10-15 minute show written, performed, filmed, and edited by the BCT team will premiere on our Facebook page and here, on our website.

This show would not be possible without the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham!

Imagine you or one of your friends was being treated differently because of how you looked. Think of three things you can do to change that situation.

There have been a lot of news stories lately about racism and equality. With the help of an adult, find an example of a person or group of people who are fighting for equality and to end racism. Talk with your adult about what racism means. Ask them big or small questions you have about what it means to be equal.

Write a letter or draw a picture to send to that person or group to encourage them.

Have a great idea for a story? Email us and perhaps we’ll have a chance to work with YOU on a one-of-a-kind world-premiere puppet show!
If you would like to support the creation of future shows, we hope that you will consider donating below.

"Bailee's Story"
Written by Traci Jones and Becca Yeager
Performed by Marlena Elliott
Directed by Alex Ungerman
Puppets by Charity Sellers
Scenic by Justin Kirkpatrick
Edited by Brooke Dunn